Composed by Adeline Chandra / Images of RŪPAHAUS

Like it or not, 2020 is cancelled as far as we know thanks to rona –– we thought about ways to occupy ourselves at home during this unprecedented time, and while we’re at it, add a little dose of mindfulness to not only your physical and mental health but also to everyone and everything around you, so without further ado, here is our favourite 10 easy ways to practice mindfulness.

Staying at home for a long period of time can be super challenging, especially for our mental health. While adapting to the “new’’ normal, there are little things we can add (if not already!) to keep our daily activities healthy and positive. So it is all up to us now to make our homes the place to be.

How you can incorporate 10 easy ways to practice mindfulness in your daily life

Give these 10 easy ways to practice mindfulness a go, and see for yourself :)

  1. Declutter your room or workspace
  2. Unplug from all of your devices and sign off for the day
  3. Do a random act of kindness for someone
  4. Go out of your comfort zone
  5. Go for a walk (away from people) and leave your phone at home; if you have kids/pets, let them lead the way
  6. Pamper yourself and re-create an all-round spa day at home
  7. Nap nap nap and nap, while you still can!
  8. Practice your favourite hobby
  9. Tell yourself at least 3 things you love about yourself out loud and while you’re at it, tell your partner (or housemates) things you love about them too.
  10. Stay connected and FaceTime your family and loved ones

1. Declutter your room or workspace, marie-kondo it and donate the things you don’t need.

Does it spark joy? – give every item inside your house a good, proper look and ask yourself the ultimate Marie Kondo’s qualifier. Make a plan and get rid of anything that doesn’t.

2. Unplug from all of your devices and sign off for the day.

Easier said than done but trust us when you do it, you’ll be surprised to find beauties in the little things we usually take for granted.

3. Do a random act of kindness for someone

An act of kindness doesn’t have to be big for someone to notice and be grateful about it. With the current climate we are facing, a small thing you do for others can go a long way and really make their day as much as it makes you feel good doing it, so we say, go for it!

4. Go out of your comfort zone, let it be cooking, gardening, new exercise or things you’d been dying to try out!

Trying something new is always fun yet tricky. However, this time around you can shoo away your worries and fears, and put yourself out there. Better yet, get your pet or your flatmate involved, the more the merrier.

5. Go for a walk (away from people) and leave your phone at home; if you have kids/pets, let them lead the way.

This is something that we personally enjoy doing with our fur babies. By letting them lead the way, you’ll discover new routes and places along the way and it’ll definitely make your walk more eventful.

6. Pamper yourself (and your fur babies) and re-create an all-round spa day at home.

Get out the bath bombs, light some candles, turn your favourite podcast or tunes on and take a good, long soak. Your pet could likely use a bath, too.

7. Nap nap nap and nap, while you still can!

Who doesn’t love a good long nap after a long day of deep cleaning the entire house? bask yourself in your sense of accomplishment and enjoy every minute of this solitude.


8. Practice your favourite hobby.

Everyone has that long to-do list they’ve been meaning to do for ages, now it’s time to go back to it and get the ball rolling. Just make sure it involves a bit of fun and something you really enjoy doing!

9. Tell yourself 3 (or more) things you love about yourself out loud and while you’re at it, tell your partner (or housemates) things you love about them too!

Nothing can go wrong about this when it is all about celebrating the goodness in you and in your loved ones.

10. Stay connected and FaceTime your family and loved ones.

A nice long chat with your loved ones over the phone will never compared to sharing the moments with them, but for the sake of keeping everyone safe and healthy, catching up over the phone is more important than ever during this strange time.

Last but not least, practice gratitude.

Sending you all the love and strength,

xx Steph, Addie and Tasch

What do you think these 10 easy ways to practice mindfulness? Perhaps pampering yourself could be accompanied by a simple hot beverage in a beautifully handcrafted ceramic like these.

Would these tips be something you can adopt and integrate in your daily life? If you have any additional tips on how to practice mindfulness, we'd love to hear from you. Just tell us your thoughts in the comments below.

Adeline Chandra